Monday, April 20, 2009


i'm here by talking about hatred.
i dunno why but feel like talking about it and then now i'll start it!
everyone sure hate someone b4 rite?
how is the feeling?? nice? cool? fun?
idk think so!
cos hate someone is no use.
u're making urself suffer!
seriously, wat i said is correct.
believe me!
is because when u hate someone and tat someone dun even care and giv a damn on it.
i feel this is a waste of energy and feeling!
and of course i hate ppl b4.
and now i learn to put things down.
dun keep everything to urself.
dun keep think! just let it down and sometimes think of it.
dun think too often cos u will make urself more frust.
this is a NONO to urself.rmb this, sayangs!
once u hav any probs, spilt all OUT!!
just do anything to make urself better.
dun go kill someone enough d la!
sometimes, i just feel myself so stupid to keep hating this ppl, tat human, tat animal and... get jealous damn blardy EASY!!
how good if jealousy doesn't EXIST??

i know i crap a lot d.
time for me to go.
or else, u all pengsan! =)


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