Monday, December 20, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Can't Help But Want To Post
Saturday, September 18, 2010
JASJ memories.
firstly , i want to let you all know that i love you all very much! <3
We have been go through alot.
And i hope that our friendship would last.
Let us be 4 together always alright.
No matter what, our friendship wont change.
I always wanted you all to beside me.
Support me , cheer me , listen to me , miss me, as well as LOVE me la.
I hope that you all would appreciate this friendship.
I dont know how to say la. Stop here.
By , Aiyee :)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
It's your day!
Monday, August 2, 2010
It's Nobody's Fault.
Things are the way it is. Change is inevitable. We just need to know the fact that JASJ is still in our hearts.
Let us just make differences. Start by calling and texting each other again.
If anything, anything at all happens, don't start blaming. Look at things in all perceptions and all points of views. Be considerate and understanding.
If there's anything you'd like to share, let's start calling up or telling each other. Don't feel like talking to one person, tell the other and let us spread our care.
Just, let us all be understanding people and loving ones too.
I LOVE YOU ALL. And touche. =)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
A feeling asked me to write it out but another feeling asked me not to.
Didn't know why is it like this.
JASJ should be something important and special for four of us right ?
Yet , the feeling changes for me.
And i wonder how to overcome this thing ?
I used to find JASJ whenever i need people the most.
But now each time i want find somebody ,
i realised that i am lost.
Thinking myself should i find them ? Then ended up with a big sighh and
just keep it myself.
Probably you all just have at least someone to speak to ,
but for me i dont tell them much cause JASJ is the one that i only trusted.
I seriously have problems and headaches that wanna share out.
And the people i need the most is JASJ. But i just gave up.
I always need caring , comfort , advices , hugs from JASJ.
But till the end for sure i will sure give up.
True friends should never walk away right ?
Sometimes we meet we would just be like strangers.
I totally hate so much about it.
I feeling like asking you all , is JASJ not important to you all anymore ?
I am just like lacking of attention. Damn it.
No , i am not. What i need for is just go back to like old times ?
No matter how far we apart , our heart still can close to each other.
The laughter , the tears and everything ?
Have you all forgotten we running in the rain before together ?
How nice the feeling was ?
Sometimes i felt , is like three of you all are close and i am the one who only being abandon.
Sometimes i rather just walk away silently.
I wonder , am i a part of JASJ. Or am i one of you all bestfriends .
Or you all just hate me ? Or just anything.
I am seriously seriously need an answer or solution.
Or else , i gonna gave up real soon and just pfftt.
p/s-sorry if my post just made anyone unhappy or dislike what i written.
Monday, July 5, 2010
5th July 2010!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Friendship isn't always easily described. The Eskimos, they say, have a hundred different words for snow. Unfortunately, the English language isn't quite as innovative, though it has vast opportunities to differentiate meaning. Certainly, Love is one of those opportunities. And so, too, is Friendship .Instead of different words, however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word. Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and mores (and often our own conscience) dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.
P/s : I read from the internet.
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Message I Got In The Morning Was Shocking.
Dear JASJ Members,it has been a while ever since we've shared secrets.
Talk to each other. Care for one another. The laughter we once had already gone.
I don't know if you all realise things changed even worse this year but
no one seems to care about it. We've done what we should. I've tried what I can do
but nothing changes to be better. I don't know what mood you people are having now
and if your mood is bad and I make it worse,i'm really sorry. But I really think JASJ will be
gone one day sooner or later if nobody want to care about it. I need not a reply, but I think
you all should really think about it for what i've just said.It's no one's fault.
All of us seem to just have our own friends and not bother JASJ,that's the worst part ever.
My reply which I wanted to post long time ago but didn't and Jye Yih saw it first:
I Miss JAsJ. Be it far or together, we can still stay strong and as one.
I believe that as long as we count on each other, we will last.
I not only miss the one and a half year of sweet memories shared with the three of you,
I miss us and how we sacrifice for each other. When one of us is down, we will be there.
To me, believe and trust within us are important.
We can't let others interfere if we want to maintain our friendship.
People say forever is impossible. Maybe they're right but for us, forever doesn't matter.
What we need is just to appreciate us having each other.
So what if one of us keeps a secret to herself, if we're understanding enough, we'll let her be.
She'll open up sooner or later because we'll always be here when she needs us.
I'm determined to try set aside my flaws and change for the better us.
I LOVE JASJ. I want my three best girlfriends by me once again. Doing the craziest things. =D
My actual reply to See Hui's message:
I realised things change. Believe me all of us do. There're obstacles in our ways. Either parents, other friends, lovers or personal problems. There're many things which cause each of us to not remember where we stand in JASJ anymore. It's not as easy as it used to be. Like the moments in Pn. Nor's class. Now, we're in Form 4. New year,new start, new goal. Each of us are so busy with our tuition classes, our yoga or ballet classes, even school is making us busy. We hardly have time. That I understand. We will never have the memories back nor be like before. Carefree,happy-go-lucky, or crazy because we're all grown ups now. Many things are to be done and to be handled. Some of us will have special friends, new friends of the same class and new best friends. We can't afford to be jealous of each other because if we're best buddies, we'll know of changes and now we're experiencing changes. I wish we could be together. The four of us,again. But when? Our classes are so different. Our schedules do not match. I see each of you once a week and I'm really happy already because at least I get to see my sayangs. Can we just make it up to this? Go out a day. Have a blast, talk it out but I know of one thing. We'll feel a tad bit awkward. I really want to talk this out. Make it up to each other and maybe share a little SECRET. =D How I miss us all! I think I know most of your secrets. I think. Haha. I want hugs together with 3 of you...............
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
I saw Jye Yih and See Hui on Saturday but still no Aiyee...
I feel happy these days. Haha. I think SH knows. I haven't confirmed so can't tell J or A yet. Sorry sayangs. Hehe. I should be careful with what I do nowadays. I have a bad feeling. If I do something wrong, I'll get 10X the consequence.
I just want to express my feelings of missing us back in Form 3. I feel that however we plan to get together, it'll fail once or twice and the feelings back down isn't there anymore.. And that got me understanding something else.
I just love you all.. Jye Yih: I'll smile for you. See Hui: I'll giggle for you. Haha. Aiyee: I'll study because of you.
Love 100X,
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Hello JASJ! :)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Heh .
Happy Chinese New Year and Valentines day JASJ !
Sorry ya , didnt really spend time with you all.
I really very thanks you all
because you all spend time to come to my house.
Thanks again :)
And sorry ya See Hui for winning so much your money.
Hahaha :D
And i hope all of us are blessed with health and everything.
Anything tell me o , dont keep in ur heart urself.
JASJ are here for you !!!
Hmmmm , should i tell arh ?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
anyway, there's more surprise for u jia wei! Let's all update anyway!
hmmmm.. me ar?
still the same la.
wu gui still treat me ad his sis, i'm happy enough ad..
so, like that lo.
i'm doin fine her but just got sore throat ad..
anyway, JASJ, come to my hse on the 2nd day of CNY!!
okay?? MUST!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
How's life with my JASJ sayangs ?
Hmmmm . Mine was just okay only.
And i think sooner it going to be bad.
Cause i am going to separate with Jiawei.
Nobody seems like seriously really close and can talk whatever shit.
But still happy can see all my JASJ sayangs la .
Just hope that everyday for us can be happy.
Anything find anyone of us k :D
Jutaan Terima Kasih...
Thank you for the present. Those bears are so adorable and cuddly. I don't understand why Seehui decided to pick the orange one instead of the yellow one like how I thought that'd be her choice. Lol. Btw, Jye Yih's bear is green with a clover on the tummy. Aiyee's bear is pink with a rainbow across the tummy. Seehui's bear is orange with a star on its tummy. Mine is yellow with a candle-lit cupcake on the tummy. So super adorable!
Also, I want to say that I'm not at all angry about the delay in my present. Maybe a little upset but not angry. I also want to bring up something that we all won't want to forget and won't forget. That is about JASJ in the past/last year. Remember how JASJ was merely an idea? Now look how close we got and I really want our blog to be a place where we can share our thoughts and emotions together.
That's all I want to say. Fyi, Aiyee and I are going to be separated to two classes! NO fair! Sigh...
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Late late birthday present. =/
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Here does See Hui's post come. =]
First of all , Happy new year to my JASJ sayangs
and i love you all lots.
Thanks for the memorable & happy birthday last year.
Appreciate it lots.
Thanks never ever let go of me ,
thanks be there for me when i needed,
thanks to be my best friends ,
thanks for everything what you all given to me.
I love you all very much ! Distance wont separate us.
And i hope our JASJ friendship would last forever
no matter who we are with , where we are , and everything.
So, Happy New Year Sayangs :D